Tuesday, June 19, 2012

1st week

The First day of class we have tackled about what is being a teacher.  A movie presentation entitled "Thank a Teacher" gives us what a teachers doing for the whole of their life. Teaching is not a simple thing to do you must give effort to do it, having a lot of patient, giving them a right treatment and to teach them. I remember my old teacher told me that the thing that makes them happy is very simple, when someone greet them and says that "Good Day Sir I am one of your students and I am very thankful to you because now I have a good profession.

The following day we tackled about personal quality and professional quality of being a teacher.  It is really important to learn the qualities, specially you are teaching. It will base on how your teaching ability will develop through the interaction of the student and teacher. They said that the interest of the student is not only in what discussion you're teaching to them and also your personality as teacher will pick their attention.

Teaching for me is having bonding time with your student because being happy in what your doing, is the greatest thing to prove that you are a good teacher. No one can tell how hard teaching is and how enjoyable teaching is, the important is giving them enough knowledge and show them how learning is important.