Sunday, July 15, 2012

4th Week: Learning through Experience

Our topic was also what i reported on this week, Its all about Meaningful Learning Theory and Condition of Learning. Its says that meaningful learning is a new information that can relate on what learner already know, for me it is true because it easily for me to understand information specially if the new information is recognizable. You can relate on it and also you are interested of it and understandable that is why meaningful itself. Every person can relate it on a situation; we can also apply it everyday, because sometimes our idea we get on what we experience in the past so you can evolve it in a new information that someday we can use it in our everyday activity.

Also we tackled about Condition of Learning it involves motivations, retention and transfer of learning. Why we are doing something? it is because we are motivated, We are motivated because of what we need in our life to get our goals. Sometimes we are doing things that are far away from our desired goals, it is because of our family, friends and the other who is around us pushing us to do something but still that is also motivating. Do you still remember the lesson in high school? Yes? or No? Humbly speaking yes, some of them hahaha. Sometimes when my teacher ask me what our lessons that have discuss in high school then my mind keep on loading then i answer my teacher some of them. Because honestly some of the lesson in the those pass years is either the new information is much better to retain rather than old, also some of them I decided to forget them which is not right. Those things causes forgetting either you decided to forget it, or because of mix up of new information to the old, or you are failed to relate the old information to the new ideas. It is very important to remember everything you know, because someday you will need it.

Learning can be also relate in a situation, it is like transferring information that you have learn into the action or somehow experiencing it. Do you agree that you will learn the most if you have experience it? Yes that is definitely true, for me it is not just by reading, writing it all about putting it into practice and that is learning. You apply it in the way that makes you to retain that knowledge that someday you will need it.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

3rd Week: Act of Learning

Behavior is being develop by your own experience on what you have learn in your surrounding.  We are as we act, we are the one who can change ourselves whether it is favorable to others or not. We are accidentally developing something inside us without knowing it immediately.

Behavior also can be develop by teaching. It is in the way on how a teacher will handle it, site for an example; a student without a confidence, very shy and afraid to cooperate. First teacher should check his/her background if why that student act like that. Then it is important also to acknowledge your student whether his/her answer right or wrong. Also give that student a good attention and guide him/her to develop his work slowly but surely.

The way of developing behavior is must be guided also specially, if you give them a punishment. Yes punishment sometimes seems like very hurting, but not all the punishment  is like that. It is punishment that is not harsh at the same time you learn also by your mistakes. But for me, it is not important to punish your students, all I need to do is to guide them to the right way of learning which develops good behavior.

Our senses helps us to discover something and that is how sensory registry works after that some of our knowledge or information will stores and forget because of the process of Short-term memory. and when we rehearsed and relate it to each other and find new information that can remember for a long time is the process Long-term memory. Because of our mental ability the capacity of the learner to be learn in lifetime, time to time we reject and revise information because as long as we discover another new information or facts will be relate to the old.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

2nd week: Learn as we grow

      Learning is a life time process. Yes I believe on that, because every time were growing we learned something. Since we are born unto this world learning is embed in our life. That is because of what we call experience, as we experience something while we are growing it is natural to learn even it is favorable or not.

      Learning is always part of growth, it is growing up. Of course learning is rooted not just in our mind but also in our behavior. Those experiences will reflect on how we will act in to the future, it is depend on us how we will accept it.

     Behavior relies in our action, action that develop by our experiences and those experience we have learned  and those learning's we may enhance to develop our behavior. Accepting failure is necessary this is how we will learn well.