Thursday, August 2, 2012

5th Week: Stairs of Learning

There is a lot of way to learn, you will learn by experiencing something, you will learn by studying and experimenting and you will learn by developing your knowledge. People always has a capability to learn even you were not doing something, by the help of your surrounding you will notice that they give you knowledge. Learning is for a long-term that cannot remove and it will improve as long as you pursue something that you didn’t know by discovering and analyzing relevant things that you’re your learning useful and growing.

Learning is most essential aspect of teaching, it is important in us to use our learning everyday, because there is a tendency that it will be forgotten in our mind because of mix-up of ideas. Remembering is important so that we can recall everything back to use again by doing it we are enhancing our learning.

There’s a lot of principle in learning, it gives taught on how we will learn well. It is necessary to put it in our mind that it is a guide especially in teaching. People motivate themselves to do something to encourage also their self to work on it. The two types of motivation helps people to be motivated, one of this is Extrinsic Motivation comes with the reward or punishment and the other one is Intrinsic Motivation you are motivated to do because it is worth knowing.

To facilitate the class is also necessary to give learning’s to students, the atmosphere will help them concentrate and to get efficient knowledge so that they can learn well. Also teaching method will help you to give them a good example of your discussion so that they can understand it easily.  

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