Sunday, September 30, 2012

12th Week: Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

This report is all about the "Taxonomy of Educational Objectives" by Mr. Vic Onod. His topic focuses in the "Bloom's Taxonomy of Objectives" which is divided into three domains of an objectives, the Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotors Skills.

The Cognitive Domain, which is the head level objectives, this domain helps the teacher to identify what plan of guide they should do to let the learners obtain knowledge, ideas and information.

The next one is Affective Domain, which is more on developing behavior, this domain helps the teacher to know the proper way of planning that the students not only attained knowledge but also to cultivate their values through teaching.

And the last one is Psychomotors Skills, which is more on rote learning, this domain helps the teacher to guide the students to learn not just by instructing them but also letting them to familiarize through experiments, drill, hands on activity and anything that use experiential learning "learn by doing it."

The Objectives help not just the instructor but also the students, to help them to learn that soon in the future they will never forget and they can use it in their desired work.

Friday, September 28, 2012

11th Week: Creativity Lesson

This week is all about the report of Ms. Mae Leizl Ongayo "The Creativity Lesson Plan." If the lesson plan is the "blue print" of the teacher, the creativity lesson is the same also. But the different between lesson plan and creativity lesson is in the teaching way. The lesson plan is the ordinary type of lesson which is more on the discussion like the traditional way of teaching while the creativity lesson has a twist to make the everyday lesson fun and interesting in the way of meaningful learning.

Students get more interested to your class if you will give them an activity that not only knowledgeable but also fun to make it interesting to do. Such as role playing, singing, activities that will requires physical and also mental strategy. The things we need to considerate is to give learning's to our students, to make it interesting and fun that may lead to meaningful learning way of teaching.

10th Week: Lesson Plan

This week we discuss about the report of Ms. Jasmin Castorico "The Lesson Plan" which a  plan that developed by a teacher to guide class instruction.

It is also known to be a "Blue-Print" of the teacher of the everyday lesson.

As a teacher, we need a guide on how we will teach our students? How they will learn? If the lesson will give not just a knowledge but also a kind of learning that in the future they will remember it.

Lesson Plan is the key for the guidance of the learners, it can be helpful to give sufficient information that the learners' will get.

9th Week: Unit Plan

This week Ms. Cherish Love Gocela reported about "Unit plan". A unit plan is a series of lesson plans designed around a specific topic, lesson. Essentially, the unit plan is a list of all of the daily lesson plans. But it also includes an overall learning goal, as well as a culminating assessment such as a unit test. As it says also that Unit plan is a reflects long-range goals and are means of organizing various aspects of the course of study and serves as a basis for developing a set of related daily teaching plans and educational activities.

It is the guide to the teacher for the whole unit of the discussion enable to organized what appropriate plan to make the student understand the sequence of the lessons.