Sunday, September 30, 2012

12th Week: Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

This report is all about the "Taxonomy of Educational Objectives" by Mr. Vic Onod. His topic focuses in the "Bloom's Taxonomy of Objectives" which is divided into three domains of an objectives, the Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotors Skills.

The Cognitive Domain, which is the head level objectives, this domain helps the teacher to identify what plan of guide they should do to let the learners obtain knowledge, ideas and information.

The next one is Affective Domain, which is more on developing behavior, this domain helps the teacher to know the proper way of planning that the students not only attained knowledge but also to cultivate their values through teaching.

And the last one is Psychomotors Skills, which is more on rote learning, this domain helps the teacher to guide the students to learn not just by instructing them but also letting them to familiarize through experiments, drill, hands on activity and anything that use experiential learning "learn by doing it."

The Objectives help not just the instructor but also the students, to help them to learn that soon in the future they will never forget and they can use it in their desired work.

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