Friday, October 5, 2012

15th Week: Teaching Methods

This week Mr. Junamel Nuñez reported about "Methods of Teaching". These refers to comprises the principles and methods used for instruction. Such as Demonstration, Lecture, Dramatization, Questioning, and any other types of methods for teaching. This methods help the educators to instruct their students to learn more by doing it actively. Teachers are interested in ways to effectively cause students to understand better and learn. Teachers want to bring about better understanding of the material he/she wants to communicate. They seek more effective ways to meet the individuals expectation in education. By improving teaching methods it may help the learners meets it goal of achieving learning outcomes. The Teaching Methods can either be Inductive and Deductive.

The Inductive Method or process goes from the specific to the general while the Deductive Method or the process from general concept to the specific use or application. It is like that Inductive is the opposite process of Deductive.

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