Friday, October 5, 2012

16th Week: The Demonstration, Lecture and Meta-Cognition

This week Ms. Arcelyn Villaver reported about "Demonstration, Lecture and Meta-Cognition Methods in teaching". Demonstration Methods or “doing” method to teach skills. Demonstrate is using the exact physical procedures if possible while Demonstrating, explain the reason for and the significance of each step. This type of teaching methods usually help the learners to learn not just having knowledge about it but also giving them an opportunity to learn by doing it in actual.

Lecture Method is an old type of method use in teaching, in other word, this method is a traditional type of teaching were the teacher discuss the topic only or the teacher-centered type of teaching. We all know that this type of method is still the most frequently used method of instruction. However, this type of method causing the teaching style of the teacher to be boring without any combination of methods. But the use of this method can be effective if the teacher use it properly such as, let the student open a discussion, a lecture can also lead to ignite the mind of the student by giving them a nice topic to discuss with their group to build cooperation. Lecture method is good but to let the speaker not pausing it would be boring.

Meta-Cognition  processes include planning, monitoring one's own thoughts, problem solving, making decisions and evaluating one's thought processes. In other word, it is "beyond our critical thinking". In teaching the instructor should have broad knowledge about the topic in able to have the supremacy in the classroom. Because if you don't have the power to teach, they don't believe in you.

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