Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"The Class"

         The movie "The Class" for me, as a teacher like Mr. Marin, the author and the main character in the movie who played the role of a teacher that in the real life he is a french teacher in public school in France, it would be great to watch it to know how to handle a classroom specially in multi-cultural society like France. As I watch the movie I have seen the most of the problem inside the class. We can vary it on our strategy in classroom management on how we can handle this kind of student who doesn't seem to respect their teachers.
         One of the factors we need to consider in handling a class is the cultural background. The students in the movie are come from the different countries and all grown-ups in different culture. Thus, all of them are far away from their culture and they seem to be so harsh in adopting the new environment in France specially the country known to be discriminating the black people. In result, some of the student is isolated in the new environment. The language also has a big influence to the students because when Mr. Marin introduce a new french word to his students and Esmeralda, one of his students, complaining that "why we need to know those words? We don't even using it?" Because Esmeralda is a french so that she always complaining about the lesson of his teacher.
         Mr. Marin also requested the student to make a "self-portrait." However, the students seem there are not interested on it. It is because some of his student spent their time to face computer or staying inside the room instead of going outside and mingle with other people to develop their own personalities. Unfortunately, this factor leads the students to be isolated and to create a self-world. As the result, their behaviors are form accordingly and when there are inside the class they always acting according to their rules which make the teacher harder to handle the class because they are not listening.
           One of the factors, as we observed the movie, is also the negative interaction of the student to his teacher. The barriers that blocks the relationship of the students to his teacher is a big problem also that makes the teacher harsh to manage the class. The student in the movie seems they don't regard the teacher as their friend and also they always contradict to the mentor's ideas, the harder the class to manage.
        The lack of discipline of the school is a factor that affects the classroom management. Students may have such a lot of freedom in the school they can do what they want to do without hesitation. In the movie, it is hard to manage like that situation, they don't respect their teacher, they don't obey the rules and they are not also afraid to face the guidance counselor and sending them to the others school either. However for Mr. Marlin sending them to the other school is not a good idea for the moment that they keep doing it. He also suggested that they must not give the student that kind of punishment because it is not helping them either.
           The one problem also is the teacher's ability to talk to his students. Because it the movie the teacher does not seem to know the personalities of his students, which it is harder for him to keep the students to listen. Mr. Marlin has a good temper when it comes inside the class no matter the student don't listen he still keep it going, however a teacher cannot hold like this situation without expressing his feeling for the whole year of class. Leading him to lose his temper and he is not able to handle the arguments between students either the argument between him to his student. Sometimes he's trying to settle the problem using the class time but still he failed to do it.
          And finally after the class ended, one of the students told Mr. Marlin "I do learn nothing, because I don't know what we’re doing". This factor is the most fragile to all i have mention earlier because, how can you say that you are effective in teaching if one of your student didn't learned in your class that why they said "you can't teach if you can't manage". It is heartbreaking to the part of the teacher to think he was not good enough to teach his students. In the movie, as we saw the whole from beginning to the end, the class is more settling those problems of the students. Instead of teaching, the whole class will spent the time by settling the arguments of one another. That is why some of the student doesn’t learn at all.
         To sum up, it is very difficult to manage the multi-culture class. The education system that has no discipline leading the students to be free to do what they want, must give an attention because if we let those student to do as they want, they will not respect the teachers also. To be patient at class is necessarily specially when you're teaching a class like in the movie. Teachers should create an environment for students so that they can get out of their self-worlds and express themselves more freely by following the classroom management principles. I believe, this can change the students` attitudes and lead to cooperation between the teacher and the students. Punishment is also necessarily but it must appropriate to the student not just by giving it accordingly but also explaining to the student why he has given that punishment and I do agree to Mr. Marlin that it is not necessary to expelled to student because it will make it worse. Also in leading the students the act like a good student we must not let our time to teach them be disturb or else they will learn nothing. It is important to know the appropriate ways to handle a class to be able to teach them efficiently and also to build relationship upon them. If not, I can't imagine our education system without classroom management.

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