Monday, November 5, 2012

Start of my Practicum Teaching Career

This semester is going to be tough because we are going to teach our fellow students in college and also the elementary and high school students. I felt nervous about it but in the other hand I am excited also. And the next week first, we were going to observe the after its our turn to teach. So help me God! Hope I can do my job and I will do my best.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"The Class"

         The movie "The Class" for me, as a teacher like Mr. Marin, the author and the main character in the movie who played the role of a teacher that in the real life he is a french teacher in public school in France, it would be great to watch it to know how to handle a classroom specially in multi-cultural society like France. As I watch the movie I have seen the most of the problem inside the class. We can vary it on our strategy in classroom management on how we can handle this kind of student who doesn't seem to respect their teachers.
         One of the factors we need to consider in handling a class is the cultural background. The students in the movie are come from the different countries and all grown-ups in different culture. Thus, all of them are far away from their culture and they seem to be so harsh in adopting the new environment in France specially the country known to be discriminating the black people. In result, some of the student is isolated in the new environment. The language also has a big influence to the students because when Mr. Marin introduce a new french word to his students and Esmeralda, one of his students, complaining that "why we need to know those words? We don't even using it?" Because Esmeralda is a french so that she always complaining about the lesson of his teacher.
         Mr. Marin also requested the student to make a "self-portrait." However, the students seem there are not interested on it. It is because some of his student spent their time to face computer or staying inside the room instead of going outside and mingle with other people to develop their own personalities. Unfortunately, this factor leads the students to be isolated and to create a self-world. As the result, their behaviors are form accordingly and when there are inside the class they always acting according to their rules which make the teacher harder to handle the class because they are not listening.
           One of the factors, as we observed the movie, is also the negative interaction of the student to his teacher. The barriers that blocks the relationship of the students to his teacher is a big problem also that makes the teacher harsh to manage the class. The student in the movie seems they don't regard the teacher as their friend and also they always contradict to the mentor's ideas, the harder the class to manage.
        The lack of discipline of the school is a factor that affects the classroom management. Students may have such a lot of freedom in the school they can do what they want to do without hesitation. In the movie, it is hard to manage like that situation, they don't respect their teacher, they don't obey the rules and they are not also afraid to face the guidance counselor and sending them to the others school either. However for Mr. Marlin sending them to the other school is not a good idea for the moment that they keep doing it. He also suggested that they must not give the student that kind of punishment because it is not helping them either.
           The one problem also is the teacher's ability to talk to his students. Because it the movie the teacher does not seem to know the personalities of his students, which it is harder for him to keep the students to listen. Mr. Marlin has a good temper when it comes inside the class no matter the student don't listen he still keep it going, however a teacher cannot hold like this situation without expressing his feeling for the whole year of class. Leading him to lose his temper and he is not able to handle the arguments between students either the argument between him to his student. Sometimes he's trying to settle the problem using the class time but still he failed to do it.
          And finally after the class ended, one of the students told Mr. Marlin "I do learn nothing, because I don't know what we’re doing". This factor is the most fragile to all i have mention earlier because, how can you say that you are effective in teaching if one of your student didn't learned in your class that why they said "you can't teach if you can't manage". It is heartbreaking to the part of the teacher to think he was not good enough to teach his students. In the movie, as we saw the whole from beginning to the end, the class is more settling those problems of the students. Instead of teaching, the whole class will spent the time by settling the arguments of one another. That is why some of the student doesn’t learn at all.
         To sum up, it is very difficult to manage the multi-culture class. The education system that has no discipline leading the students to be free to do what they want, must give an attention because if we let those student to do as they want, they will not respect the teachers also. To be patient at class is necessarily specially when you're teaching a class like in the movie. Teachers should create an environment for students so that they can get out of their self-worlds and express themselves more freely by following the classroom management principles. I believe, this can change the students` attitudes and lead to cooperation between the teacher and the students. Punishment is also necessarily but it must appropriate to the student not just by giving it accordingly but also explaining to the student why he has given that punishment and I do agree to Mr. Marlin that it is not necessary to expelled to student because it will make it worse. Also in leading the students the act like a good student we must not let our time to teach them be disturb or else they will learn nothing. It is important to know the appropriate ways to handle a class to be able to teach them efficiently and also to build relationship upon them. If not, I can't imagine our education system without classroom management.

17th Week: The Instructional Module, The Seminar, Classroom Management, Laboratory Method and The Art of Questioning

This week the report consists of five topics, The Instructional Module, The Seminar, Classroom Management, Laboratory Method and The Art of Questioning:

The Instructional Module

            This topic was reported by Ms. Cheene Rose Cayabo. The Instructional Module is one of the widely accepted instructional materials. According to Murray a module is a self-contained and independent unit of instructing with a primary focus on few-defined objectives. The learning module can develop a student’s optimum potential at his own pace. In other word, with the help of the module student can learn by its own capability to study, make a study material and review it until they can master it. A module can be helpful not only to a student or teacher but also to all.

The Seminar

            This topic was reported by Mr. Rico Recopuerto. The Seminar is deliberative body looking for the solution to the problem from the evidence based on reading, experiences and minds of its participants.

            In conducting a seminar, like being a teacher, it is necessary to the leader that he has the enough knowledge on giving a seminar. There are steps to follow in solving, first is Identifying the Problem they must know what the problem is; then Gathering Data they should collect all the information about the problem; then Analyzing the Data “looking over” they find what may the solution; then Formulating Hypothesis; then Testing Hypothesis if they find the solution they will take it to test the solution; and Formulating a conclusion or Solution. The seminar is efficient, if the step in solving the problem studied carefully.

The Classroom Management

            This topic was reported by Mr. Edsrail Khan Damada. The Classroom Management is ensures wise use of the teacher’s and the learner’s time, effort and energies. It is also includes operation and control of the activities involving seating arrangement, attendance, and utilization of instructional materials, the classroom itself, maintenance, discipline and planning.

The Classroom Management is the most important thing in teaching because it will vary also to the teacher’s ability to teach because you cannot teach well if you cannot manage your students. It is necessary to a classroom to have some regulation and rules to limit the students and to be the superior also so that they will follow you.

The Laboratory Method

            This topic was reported by Mr. Allan Bruces Jr. The Laboratory Method is a set of the firsthand learning activity such as: investigate problem, conduct experiments, observes processes, and applied theories in a simulated setting. Also this can be called a research method. The laboratory is referred to the place where the equipment’s, apparatus and any other materials needed in an experiment is here.

            The purpose of the laboratory method is to give an opportunity to the student to experience, observe and discover the things in actual. Also it may increase the interest of the students to learn and also it is much easy to learn and familiarize the type of learning that includes rote learning. It may help the student not only to learn but also to find out what is the possible solution to the problem they have encountered that will help them to learn as well by their own.

The Art of Questioning

            This topic was reported by Ms. Dhoriza Jean Loreto. The Art of Questioning is assumed that good teaching involves good questioning, especially when large groups of pupils/students are being taught. There are type of question such as; to thinking process involves it is from lowest (what, when, where) to highest (how and why) level; the answers required; the degree of person exploration or valuing.

            In questioning, there are categories and models of questions these are: Cognitive Memory Questions these require pupils to reproduce facts as rote memory or selective recall; Convergent Questions these require pupils to recall information that leads to correct answer; Divergent Questions these require pupil’s to generate their own data on a given topic; and Evaluation Questions these requires pupils to make value judgments about the quality, correctness or adequacy of information.

            In giving a question there things must remember it should be simple, clear and definitive, and it should be adapted to the age, abilities and interest to the learners. They must understand the question and relate it in your topic or else it would built-up curiosity.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Some Random Thoughts on Demonstration"

In Demonstration, there are things that we must take consider when we are demonstrating something to the learners. Some of the audience or learners notice that some of the demonstration procedures are too fast, thus the learner learned a little a lot. In demonstration, we should assume that our audience has no knowledge in our topic in order to get the result of your demonstration.

In order to get the good demonstration we need to divide it two ways, one is Demonstrate, you will show them the exact physical procedures, while the second one is Demonstrating, explaining the reason and the significance of each step.

One reminders in demonstration is "Do not hurry your demonstration," in order to be followed by your audience.

The only task of the teacher in demonstration is not just letting them to understand your topic but also by showing them the right way of demonstration, they can be a good demonstrator someday.

Friday, October 5, 2012

16th Week: The Demonstration, Lecture and Meta-Cognition

This week Ms. Arcelyn Villaver reported about "Demonstration, Lecture and Meta-Cognition Methods in teaching". Demonstration Methods or “doing” method to teach skills. Demonstrate is using the exact physical procedures if possible while Demonstrating, explain the reason for and the significance of each step. This type of teaching methods usually help the learners to learn not just having knowledge about it but also giving them an opportunity to learn by doing it in actual.

Lecture Method is an old type of method use in teaching, in other word, this method is a traditional type of teaching were the teacher discuss the topic only or the teacher-centered type of teaching. We all know that this type of method is still the most frequently used method of instruction. However, this type of method causing the teaching style of the teacher to be boring without any combination of methods. But the use of this method can be effective if the teacher use it properly such as, let the student open a discussion, a lecture can also lead to ignite the mind of the student by giving them a nice topic to discuss with their group to build cooperation. Lecture method is good but to let the speaker not pausing it would be boring.

Meta-Cognition  processes include planning, monitoring one's own thoughts, problem solving, making decisions and evaluating one's thought processes. In other word, it is "beyond our critical thinking". In teaching the instructor should have broad knowledge about the topic in able to have the supremacy in the classroom. Because if you don't have the power to teach, they don't believe in you.

15th Week: Teaching Methods

This week Mr. Junamel Nuñez reported about "Methods of Teaching". These refers to comprises the principles and methods used for instruction. Such as Demonstration, Lecture, Dramatization, Questioning, and any other types of methods for teaching. This methods help the educators to instruct their students to learn more by doing it actively. Teachers are interested in ways to effectively cause students to understand better and learn. Teachers want to bring about better understanding of the material he/she wants to communicate. They seek more effective ways to meet the individuals expectation in education. By improving teaching methods it may help the learners meets it goal of achieving learning outcomes. The Teaching Methods can either be Inductive and Deductive.

The Inductive Method or process goes from the specific to the general while the Deductive Method or the process from general concept to the specific use or application. It is like that Inductive is the opposite process of Deductive.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

14th Week: The Drill Lesson

This week, Ms. Ruelene Cabatuan, reports is all about "Drill Lesson" and "Application Lesson" which is the other types of a Lesson Plan. The Drill Lesson is intended for automatization of certain facts, information, habits, attitudes and skills to fix association for permanency or to perfect a certain degree a particular skill. This type of lesson is intended to let the student learn by not just showing or discussing it but also to learn it step by step by doing it in action. This lesson is very helpful because in teaching we need to let the student knows how to operate or manipulate the certain activities that in the future will be helpful to work, because they recognize it.

The next lesson is the Application Lesson, this lesson is a type of learning instruction that gives the learners the opportunity to relate, express and apply what they have learned. In other word, this type of lesson let the student apply what they have learned in the class. Example of this is how to fix computer, first the instructor will discuss about the computer and the common problem encountered by the troubleshooters then after that the instructor will make a lesson plan intended in fixing computer. The student will just not learn they can also apply it in their future work.

13th Week: The Different Types of Lesson

This week was reported by two person Mr. Ghie El Bongabong and Ms. Frelyn Salimbagat which is "The different types of learning." Mr. Bongabong report is about Developmental Lesson, this a lesson is prefer to which new idea is develop and presented. It is more on developing your lesson to give the students more ideas which can give them more learnings. As I  observed, this type lesson use to identify the appropriate way to teach the students to develop their learnings. The next is Supervised Study Lesson, this lessons  primary objective is to teach learners how to study a given subject effectively under the direction and guidance of the teacher. In other words, It is the under supervision of the teacher which the the student taught the techniques of learnings while the teacher act as the guide in the various procedures in the classroom.

Miss Salimbagat reports is about the Appreciation Lesson, this lesson designed to instruct the class to understand, appreciate and enjoy something. In order to appreciate something, one must understand to enjoy. In other words, this lesson purpose to let the student not to learn only but also to enjoy the lesson and let them to appreciate it. Examples of this are Literature, Music, Arts, Religion and Culture by using this type of lesson they can appreciate the lesson well. The next is Review Lesson, this lesson let the student review or to recall all the topics in a short period of time.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

12th Week: Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

This report is all about the "Taxonomy of Educational Objectives" by Mr. Vic Onod. His topic focuses in the "Bloom's Taxonomy of Objectives" which is divided into three domains of an objectives, the Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotors Skills.

The Cognitive Domain, which is the head level objectives, this domain helps the teacher to identify what plan of guide they should do to let the learners obtain knowledge, ideas and information.

The next one is Affective Domain, which is more on developing behavior, this domain helps the teacher to know the proper way of planning that the students not only attained knowledge but also to cultivate their values through teaching.

And the last one is Psychomotors Skills, which is more on rote learning, this domain helps the teacher to guide the students to learn not just by instructing them but also letting them to familiarize through experiments, drill, hands on activity and anything that use experiential learning "learn by doing it."

The Objectives help not just the instructor but also the students, to help them to learn that soon in the future they will never forget and they can use it in their desired work.

Friday, September 28, 2012

11th Week: Creativity Lesson

This week is all about the report of Ms. Mae Leizl Ongayo "The Creativity Lesson Plan." If the lesson plan is the "blue print" of the teacher, the creativity lesson is the same also. But the different between lesson plan and creativity lesson is in the teaching way. The lesson plan is the ordinary type of lesson which is more on the discussion like the traditional way of teaching while the creativity lesson has a twist to make the everyday lesson fun and interesting in the way of meaningful learning.

Students get more interested to your class if you will give them an activity that not only knowledgeable but also fun to make it interesting to do. Such as role playing, singing, activities that will requires physical and also mental strategy. The things we need to considerate is to give learning's to our students, to make it interesting and fun that may lead to meaningful learning way of teaching.

10th Week: Lesson Plan

This week we discuss about the report of Ms. Jasmin Castorico "The Lesson Plan" which a  plan that developed by a teacher to guide class instruction.

It is also known to be a "Blue-Print" of the teacher of the everyday lesson.

As a teacher, we need a guide on how we will teach our students? How they will learn? If the lesson will give not just a knowledge but also a kind of learning that in the future they will remember it.

Lesson Plan is the key for the guidance of the learners, it can be helpful to give sufficient information that the learners' will get.

9th Week: Unit Plan

This week Ms. Cherish Love Gocela reported about "Unit plan". A unit plan is a series of lesson plans designed around a specific topic, lesson. Essentially, the unit plan is a list of all of the daily lesson plans. But it also includes an overall learning goal, as well as a culminating assessment such as a unit test. As it says also that Unit plan is a reflects long-range goals and are means of organizing various aspects of the course of study and serves as a basis for developing a set of related daily teaching plans and educational activities.

It is the guide to the teacher for the whole unit of the discussion enable to organized what appropriate plan to make the student understand the sequence of the lessons.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

8th Week: Instructional Planning

      This week the report is all about Instructional Planning. It said that it involves the preparation necessary to meet the individual needs of the classroom members.It included to show the ability to interpret the goals, strengths, and weaknesses of a lesson plan. Constant changes are required to build the best possible lessons from those that were initially successful.
      Why does Instructional Panning is necessary in teaching? because the Instructional Plan helps us to make our work very easy and efficient in time also we can assure the student's can learn well. The purpose of Instructional Planning is to recognize quality and assist in the continuous strengthening and improvement of the district’s learning program as well as the support services in the instruction component.
      It is important to know if our teaching way is effective or it is made accordingly so by giving evaluation to them, the responds is can be helpful to us. We can improve our work or we can give learning that is appropriate in them.

7th Week: Social Learning

      Learning is Experience, as we know we learn through experience something that will educate us. Each of us has the ability to learn by our own, but learning can be occur also through interaction with the others, that is what learning through socializing. With the help of our environment, people who around us, that help give us knowledge so we know something.
      We learn in several ways, either by the help of your surrounding or environment like your friends, family, relatives, teachers and parents that mostly influences us. By sharing, talking, communicating and any kind of interaction with the others, they can give some information that we can relate through ourselves that can be able to give knowledge that we might learn unto them. We learn by observing other people's behavior by watching their works and their actions.
     In learning, there is a lot of way to considered as a learn-full things by reading, writing and experimenting by doing it everyday, we learn well in each day. Learning by doing is a good advice, because as long as you use your learning to other things that will give you much learning. As our instructor said that "It is good advice to share your knowledge to others, and also they might give information that you can relate to your learning.

6th Week: Cognitive Learning

    This week is all about the report of Cognitive Learning, it is define as the field of psychology as being aware of current intellectuality such as knowing and thinking. We know that  cognitive is when conscious jugdements are being made within brain. Each of us has a ability to think and to know, so that we can understand and solve problems. If you learn, the best way to do is to put it into action so that we will know those possible feedback on the things we do. As other said that "we learn through experience", yes it is right! Because in every activity or problem we encounter, we think of what could be the possible consequence if we do it. And that will give you direction through learning it doesn't matter it is good or bad.

     There is a lot of way to learn and we can maintain it for a long time by remembering it and enhance it by relating new information to your former information. By using cognitive way learning can be effective by analyzing, focusing, comparison, narrowing, sharpening and tolerate your self to learn again. Being a teacher if easy but to be a effective one is difficult that needs a lot of effort to do. Teacher has a intellect to teach well, has a good attitude and a role model to their students. With a good environment, teaching will be so effective in the side of learners.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

5th Week: Stairs of Learning

There is a lot of way to learn, you will learn by experiencing something, you will learn by studying and experimenting and you will learn by developing your knowledge. People always has a capability to learn even you were not doing something, by the help of your surrounding you will notice that they give you knowledge. Learning is for a long-term that cannot remove and it will improve as long as you pursue something that you didn’t know by discovering and analyzing relevant things that you’re your learning useful and growing.

Learning is most essential aspect of teaching, it is important in us to use our learning everyday, because there is a tendency that it will be forgotten in our mind because of mix-up of ideas. Remembering is important so that we can recall everything back to use again by doing it we are enhancing our learning.

There’s a lot of principle in learning, it gives taught on how we will learn well. It is necessary to put it in our mind that it is a guide especially in teaching. People motivate themselves to do something to encourage also their self to work on it. The two types of motivation helps people to be motivated, one of this is Extrinsic Motivation comes with the reward or punishment and the other one is Intrinsic Motivation you are motivated to do because it is worth knowing.

To facilitate the class is also necessary to give learning’s to students, the atmosphere will help them concentrate and to get efficient knowledge so that they can learn well. Also teaching method will help you to give them a good example of your discussion so that they can understand it easily.  

Sunday, July 15, 2012

4th Week: Learning through Experience

Our topic was also what i reported on this week, Its all about Meaningful Learning Theory and Condition of Learning. Its says that meaningful learning is a new information that can relate on what learner already know, for me it is true because it easily for me to understand information specially if the new information is recognizable. You can relate on it and also you are interested of it and understandable that is why meaningful itself. Every person can relate it on a situation; we can also apply it everyday, because sometimes our idea we get on what we experience in the past so you can evolve it in a new information that someday we can use it in our everyday activity.

Also we tackled about Condition of Learning it involves motivations, retention and transfer of learning. Why we are doing something? it is because we are motivated, We are motivated because of what we need in our life to get our goals. Sometimes we are doing things that are far away from our desired goals, it is because of our family, friends and the other who is around us pushing us to do something but still that is also motivating. Do you still remember the lesson in high school? Yes? or No? Humbly speaking yes, some of them hahaha. Sometimes when my teacher ask me what our lessons that have discuss in high school then my mind keep on loading then i answer my teacher some of them. Because honestly some of the lesson in the those pass years is either the new information is much better to retain rather than old, also some of them I decided to forget them which is not right. Those things causes forgetting either you decided to forget it, or because of mix up of new information to the old, or you are failed to relate the old information to the new ideas. It is very important to remember everything you know, because someday you will need it.

Learning can be also relate in a situation, it is like transferring information that you have learn into the action or somehow experiencing it. Do you agree that you will learn the most if you have experience it? Yes that is definitely true, for me it is not just by reading, writing it all about putting it into practice and that is learning. You apply it in the way that makes you to retain that knowledge that someday you will need it.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

3rd Week: Act of Learning

Behavior is being develop by your own experience on what you have learn in your surrounding.  We are as we act, we are the one who can change ourselves whether it is favorable to others or not. We are accidentally developing something inside us without knowing it immediately.

Behavior also can be develop by teaching. It is in the way on how a teacher will handle it, site for an example; a student without a confidence, very shy and afraid to cooperate. First teacher should check his/her background if why that student act like that. Then it is important also to acknowledge your student whether his/her answer right or wrong. Also give that student a good attention and guide him/her to develop his work slowly but surely.

The way of developing behavior is must be guided also specially, if you give them a punishment. Yes punishment sometimes seems like very hurting, but not all the punishment  is like that. It is punishment that is not harsh at the same time you learn also by your mistakes. But for me, it is not important to punish your students, all I need to do is to guide them to the right way of learning which develops good behavior.

Our senses helps us to discover something and that is how sensory registry works after that some of our knowledge or information will stores and forget because of the process of Short-term memory. and when we rehearsed and relate it to each other and find new information that can remember for a long time is the process Long-term memory. Because of our mental ability the capacity of the learner to be learn in lifetime, time to time we reject and revise information because as long as we discover another new information or facts will be relate to the old.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

2nd week: Learn as we grow

      Learning is a life time process. Yes I believe on that, because every time were growing we learned something. Since we are born unto this world learning is embed in our life. That is because of what we call experience, as we experience something while we are growing it is natural to learn even it is favorable or not.

      Learning is always part of growth, it is growing up. Of course learning is rooted not just in our mind but also in our behavior. Those experiences will reflect on how we will act in to the future, it is depend on us how we will accept it.

     Behavior relies in our action, action that develop by our experiences and those experience we have learned  and those learning's we may enhance to develop our behavior. Accepting failure is necessary this is how we will learn well.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

1st week

The First day of class we have tackled about what is being a teacher.  A movie presentation entitled "Thank a Teacher" gives us what a teachers doing for the whole of their life. Teaching is not a simple thing to do you must give effort to do it, having a lot of patient, giving them a right treatment and to teach them. I remember my old teacher told me that the thing that makes them happy is very simple, when someone greet them and says that "Good Day Sir I am one of your students and I am very thankful to you because now I have a good profession.

The following day we tackled about personal quality and professional quality of being a teacher.  It is really important to learn the qualities, specially you are teaching. It will base on how your teaching ability will develop through the interaction of the student and teacher. They said that the interest of the student is not only in what discussion you're teaching to them and also your personality as teacher will pick their attention.

Teaching for me is having bonding time with your student because being happy in what your doing, is the greatest thing to prove that you are a good teacher. No one can tell how hard teaching is and how enjoyable teaching is, the important is giving them enough knowledge and show them how learning is important.